Environmental Objectives and Targets

Environmental Objectives and Targets

Outcome 2017

Development of more environmentally friendly energy technology

Target The optimization of electricity and water consumption as well as waste water generation per 1,000 litres of juice produced
Action Making an optimization plan for utilities
Gauge (overall target) The optimization plan with actions is defined and drawn up
Responsible Process Engineer
Schedule 2017
Baseline Optimization plan data collection has begun
Outcome 2017 The process of optimizing and breaking in the new process functions lasted until summer 2017. The monitoring period of utilities consumption is not sufficiently long yet to provide sufficient data on the specific consumption of the new process installations during the different seasons. The optimization plan can be completed only after the actual situation of the utilities (i.e. consumption per 1,000 litres of juice produced) is known.
Target achievement Data collection for utilities consumption still in progress

Improved recycling

Target The improvement of waste sorting and recycling
Action 1. Providing employee training to increase environmental awareness about waste management
2. Providing training for non-employees who regularly work at the EGFin factory
Gauge (overall target) What percent are trained (employees and cooperation partners)
Responsible Environmental Officer
Schedule 2017
Baseline 53,8 % of personnel (own personnel and external workers constantly working at the plant) are trained
Outcome 2017 Our production personnel were trained earlier already, but it was decided to postpone the training of office personnel until March 2018. All external people were provided with training.
Target achievement The necessary personnel were provided training
Target The improvement of consumer recycling behaviour
Action 1. Activating the use of recycling labels on product packaging
2. Including recycling information in brand and corporate communication
Gauge (overall target) Monitoring viewer tracking on the website’s recycling subpages, target: 10 % rise / year
Responsible Commercial Director
Schedule 2017
Baseline The average number of recycling page viewers was 33 per month
Outcome 2017 The average number of recycling page viewers was 31 per month
Target achievement The target was not reached in 2017 even though the recycling pages were renewed, moved to a new place and linked to it from the website home page. The suspected reason for the low number of visitors was a computation delay possibly caused by the website change.

Improved environmentally friendly logistics

Target Transport optimization
Action 1. Considering the transportation contracts from an environmental point of view
2. Load planning optimization
Gauge (overall target) Environmental considerations added to annual contracts
Responsible Purchasing and Logistics Team Leader
Schedule 2017
Baseline Contracts for 2017, including environmental appendices must be drawn up
Outcome 2017 Environmental appendices in all year contracts
Target achievement Target met

Examining environmental matters of storage

Target The development of ATEX zone safety
Action 1. Connecting the new aroma storage to the fire alarm system
2. Checking area classification documents
Gauge (overall target) – The new aroma storage is connected to the fire alarm system
– The area classification documents have been checked
Responsible Environmental Officer
Schedule 2017
Baseline The new aroma storage is located in a separate chilled space outside the building. The area is not connected to the fire alarm system. The area classification document has not been updated to correspond to the current situation.
Outcome 2017 Zone classification documents checked. Instead of the fire detector system, a leak sensor will be installed. Compared with a smoke or heat detector, this will proactively detect the birth of a possible problem considerably earlier.
Target achievement For zone classification documents, the target was reached in 2017. Discussions with the competent authority on the fire detection system led to a better solution (a leak sensor). The sensor will be installed in the autumn of 2018.

Increasing environmental awareness

Target Communication about environmental issues externally
Action 1. Environmental statement publication
2. Communication to internal and external stakeholders
Gauge (overall target) The publication of the environmental statement on the company website
Responsible Commercial Director
Schedule 2017
Baseline The 2016 updates of the environmental statement not published
Outcome 2017 The update of the environmental statement was published on the company website. Environmental issues were communicated via different channels to personnel and stakeholders.
Target achievement Target met

Targets 2018

Development of more environmentally friendly energy technology

Target The optimization of energy consumption
Action Optimizing utilities based on the recommended measures of the energy efficiency agreement and the company’s own mapping
Gauge (overall target) The implementation of measures in compliance with the annual plan for energy efficiency
Responsible Process Engineer
Schedule 2018
Target The utilization of renewable energy in energy production
Action Commissioning a steam heating plant that utilizes renewable energy
Gauge (overall target) The commissioning of a steam heating plant and its connection to the EGFin factory
Responsible Process Engineer
Schedule 2018

Improved recycling

Target The improvement of waste source separation
Action Providing production personnel further training in source separation
Gauge (overall target)
The provision of further training for all production personnel
Environmental Officer
Schedule Q3 / 2018

Improved environmentally friendly logistics

Target The engagement of transport businesses in environmental protection
Action Adding environmental appendices to transport contracts
Gauge (overall target)
The addition of environmental appendices to annual contracts
Logistics and Purchasing Manager
Schedule Q1 / 2018

Increasing environmental awareness

Target Communication about energy issues within the company
Action Participating in energy saving week
Gauge (overall target) Participation in energy saving week organized by Motiva
Responsible HR Specialist
Schedule Q4 / 2018
Target The dissemination of information about environmental issues beyond the company
Action Processing contacts coming to the company regarding environmental issues
Gauge (overall target) The processing of all contacts
Responsible Commercial Director
Schedule 2018